Visualization Techniques to Overcome Fear of Failure

Visualization Techniques to Overcome Fear of Failure

Fear of failure is one of the most debilitating phobias that affect us on a daily basis. Success means that there will be significant changes in your life – to stay where you are and be defeated means little change will occur and you can stay within your comfort zone. Visualization can be a fun […]

Turning Failures into Success Stories

It is so satisfying and so much fun to talk to others about successes you may have had and terrifying to think that others know about your failures. It stings and zaps your self-esteem. But you can turn your failures into stepping stones to success stories. Every failure teaches you something you can use for […]

Overcoming Fears of Rejection

No one enjoys being rejected. If you have ever watched The Bachelor, you know how devastated most of the girls are when they are not one of the lucky ones who receive a rose. On the ride home in the limo, they often cry and wonder why he did not choose them. Rejection is loss […]

Common Problems Faced By Network Marketers and How To Handle Them

Many people joined a network marketing business hoping that it can offer them a good second income. However, many do not foresee the obstacles and challenges that they are going to face as they embark on the new journey. What kind of problems do network marketers commonly experience? This article discusses some of these issues […]

Secret Strategies for Success in Network Marketing

Whether you can make it big on network marketing depends on whether you adopt the right strategies for your business: 1. Get your Action Plan up Before you embark on a network marketing business, it is very important to have an action plan set up. This action plan should include your goals and objectives, and […]

Training Yourself to be a Leader In Network Marketing

In many network marketing businesses, it is often the leaders who is the most successful and make the most money. How to train yourself to be one of them? 1. Model the current leaders One of the easiest ways to train yourself to become a leader in your network marketing business is by copying what […]

Six Must Have Attitudes in a Network Marketer

Every new network marketer would be given the same resources, the same starter kit, the same training. Why is it that some network marketers can turn into superstars while there are some who perform below average or cannot make sales at all? The answer: A-T-T-I-T-U-D-E! In network marketing, if you do not have the correct […]

The First Step into Network Marketing

Much have been said about networking marketing businesses and some people claim it is ideal for people who wants to work from home. You become interested after hearing this because this could potentially be your second source of income! Yet you are new to this, how do you start taking your first step? 1. Understand […]

Recruit Up in Network Marketing!

So, you have started a networking marketing career. Now what? As with all business, you need to expand!! It is tempting to recruit people that look like they “need” the opportunity. Is this strategy really going to expand your business? Think about this: you are at a gas station pumping gas into your vehicle. Person […]

Think About It: Do You Believe You Can Or You Can’t?

One of my favorite quotes is by Henry Ford. He says, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.” The question at hand is if you believe that or not.  I do. Let’s use an example to illustrate this point. If I ask you to think of a round trampoline with a […]