7 Marketing Tips to Grow Your MLM Business

7 Marketing Tips to Grow Your MLM Business

The MLM business model frequently drives people to either try to cram products down a customer’s throat or to spend a lot of time doing cold approaches and cold calls. However, the marketing side is frequently lacking. It is a lot easier to get customers from leads that are approaching you, rather than trying to […]

Recruit Up in Network Marketing!

So, you have started a networking marketing career. Now what? As with all business, you need to expand!! It is tempting to recruit people that look like they “need” the opportunity. Is this strategy really going to expand your business? Think about this: you are at a gas station pumping gas into your vehicle. Person […]

Think About It: Do You Believe You Can Or You Can’t?

One of my favorite quotes is by Henry Ford. He says, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.” The question at hand is if you believe that or not.  I do. Let’s use an example to illustrate this point. If I ask you to think of a round trampoline with a […]

Have A System For Your Personal and Team’s Most Important Actions

Life is busy. I am sure no one will disagree with this. In this busy life you have to have system in place for identifying which actions to do first. Then once you have mastered the process, you should teach the teams you lead how to do these things as well.         […]

Help Your Team Discover Their Why

Help! The number one question I get… …when I help leaders build their direct sales and network marketing teams is “How can I help my team more?” Normally it is not a matter of technical skill that needs to be taught. That might surprise you, as the number one question your team is asking you is […]

Foundation of Your Why – Values Clarification

In looking at the foundation of this question “Where oh where do I start in determining what is most important to me when determining my why?”, begin with intention. Intentions address the following questions: Why are we doing what we are doing? What do we hope to achieve? What purpose are we fulfilling? A clear intention […]

Success: 7 More Steps To Think and Grow Rich

So last week we talked about the first seven topics in the book, Think and Grow Rich.  This week, we’ll talk about the next seven. This book helps people get really clear on what they want and how to go get it.  (Success!) I am sure you want that too!  To read the first seven, […]

Think about this: 7 Steps to Think and Grow Rich

Think, think, think. One of Napoleon Hill’s more famous quotes is this one: “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.” I love this book, Think and Grow Rich.  Why do I love it so much? It helps people get really clear on what they want and how to go get it. […]

5 Tips for Better Follow Up

So what is the true cost of forgetting follow up?   The cost of this is vital. As you think of yourself as a consumer, imagine calling your doctor because you are really ill and asking for an appointment and they never call you back. Perhaps you have a family event you are planning and […]

Let Your Positive Attitude Lead

As an entrepreneur, you have an amazing opportunity. You have the power to create a business that encourages people to promote goodness and embrace the positive. Imagine a world where people actually act on their promptings to make a difference in the lives of others?That’s what SendOutCards is all about! We’re also about building and […]