Have A System For Your Personal and Team’s Most Important Actions

Life is busy. I am sure no one will disagree with this. In this busy life you have to have system in place for identifying which actions to do first. Then once you have mastered the process, you should teach the teams you lead how to do these things as well.         […]

Help Your Team Discover Their Why

Help! The number one question I get… …when I help leaders build their direct sales and network marketing teams is “How can I help my team more?” Normally it is not a matter of technical skill that needs to be taught. That might surprise you, as the number one question your team is asking you is […]

Here’s Some Viral Inspiration

The latest viral video can be more than just a good laugh or share. It can be the inspiration you need to keep pursuing your entrepreneurial dreams. Here are a few that may inspire you. The American Ninja T-Rex. American Ninja is a popular reality television obstacle course for the insanely fit. One contestant did […]

Sharing in Success

          Have you ever seen success that deserved to be shared with a full team and only one or two people get the pat on the back? This seems so overly normal, that sometimes I bet it doesn’t even come across as wrong to us anymore. I’ve recently been planning a […]

The Power In Recognition

It’s a known fact that people are starved for recognition and in many cases will work harder for recognition than money. Most work at a job that is unfulfilling, for a boss that does not appreciate them; for pay that is far less than they believe they are worth. Ring any bells? So, knowing that, leader’s acknowledge […]

When Your Team Isn’t Growing…

When Your Team Isn’t Growing…Look Inward to Determine the Cause There can be a few reasons why a team isn’t growing and most of them involve looking inward.   The tendency is to look at the team; to look at others and want to point a finger in their direction and wonder why they aren’t […]

Motivation or Management in Your Network Marketing Business?

Have you been asked this question, or have you asked it – how do I motivate my team in my network marketing business? It’s an ongoing challenge, really and one that you don’t control totally, but you can make a difference in how you inspire a team by your actions. Here is the danger a […]

Determine Your Business’s Best Moves

Like a top level athlete, it is important to know what you want.  It is important because it helps you make pivotal decisions in your life concerning where you will focus your energy and your attention. An athlete identifies the competition to be won, and what actions it will take to achieve this goal. This […]

Are You Struggling With Success?

Are you struggling in your business; making calls but feel like you really aren’t getting anywhere? Does it feel like it is easier for everyone else? Did you know that most home business owners start out feeling this way? Even the ones who go on to wild success! The key is to really work on […]

Referral Marketing: A Proven Winner

I recently had the opportunity to spend some family time in Seattle. It was an outstanding time to share memorable moments with my family.  And, because I love the mission of my network marketing company, I made it a priority to include a visit to a BNI meeting in Seattle to keep up the momentum […]