big and small celebrations

Today, lets talk about how celebrating both large and small goals can shoot you into your dream life. How you say? You’ll see.

Everyone knows the importance of celebrating big goals and life changing events. We throw graduation parties, wedding receptions and bar mitzvahs. We buy cakes, plastic cups and themed napkins. We bring gifts, greeting cards and hugs. This is a “no brainer” kinda thing. Most families even run into a few continuous weekends where there is nothing but life celebrations. And the occasional double booking happens 🙂 I love that people invite me to their celebrations, and I really want to be a part of them!

But what if you celebrated for some of the little parts of your life not just the big ones.

Have some guests over, after you had a week of all household chores done?

Buy a cake that reads: Congratulations, You Made It To Work Today! or Hooray! I Did The Dishes. 🙂 🙂 🙂

Yep, people would think you are crAZy! BUT ask yourself this, WOULD it MATTER? Small steps over time make for big changes, so even the small steps are worth celebrating.

OR would you be having so much more FUN getting your little, tiny, smaller goals knocked out of the park, that your larger, monster, life-changing goals would have nothing else better to do than begin to follow suit?

IF you are a LIST MAKER, like I am – small goals/tasks can build up and backup like a clogged sink. (Note to the list maker: too many lists, too long of lists, and too many subjects on any particular list – can absolutely kill your productivity. That’s a conversation for another day.) You know that putting your socks on is part of getting dressed, so no, you don’t need to put it down on the list and have a party when you check it off. BUT if you are struggling to fit something into your day, such as working out or making those extra client calls… absolutely put them down on that list! And make sure to reward yourself when you get them done!

IF you are not a list maker, but also having trouble feeling like you are getting done what you need to get done- and fitting in what needs to fit… try it. Lists aren’t so bad. And you will have an easier time to keep the list simple, which means getting it done! When you do, give yourself a pat on the back. Enjoy the moment.

Smart Celebration Guidelines:

You get the idea, remember that just because you are celebrating be smart it doesn’t mean you get to ignore your other goals, you don’t want to backslide.

So don’t be afraid to have “small” celebrating parties when you have completed a week of your best sales ever, or you made all your calls, heck even if you did all the laundry maybe it’s time for at least a celebratory happy dance! Because, small celebrations lead to BIG results and even BIGGER celebrations. (and they lead to even BIGGER results!)

Wanna play a game? You fill in the blank with me…

PICK THREE goals, tasks and answer the following for each one.

I would like to celebrate ________________. And I will celebrate by ___________________.

This reward counts as a celebration to me because ___________________.

And then don’t forget to tell me when you hit these small goals, knock out these tiny tasks off your to do list and get your celebrating on!

Have an outstanding day!!!

Much success!
