Many people love greeting cards because they are physical reminders of thoughtfulness. A simple piece of card stock can tell someone you love them, you wish them well and that you are thinking of them. It’s really amazing what a card can do.

But for most people, keeping cards may not always be practical, so here are a few ways to extend the life of both the cards you send and the cards you receive.

Personalize it: The best part about using Sendcere is the ability to personalize your card. You can add your own pictures, create your own design and put in your own words. When a personalized card arrives, it’s not just another greeting card – it’s a handcrafted, individualized greeting for the one you love. When someone receives a personalized card, they will know that it was created for them, and them alone, which makes it extra special.

Kids-giving-mum-greeting-card-and-a-present-300x200Save your cards to display: Saving your cards in an old box is great for when you remember to pull the box out and look at them. But then you have to remember where you put the box. Use your cards to create fun, meaningful crafts and decorations for your home.


The wonderful messages you received will be immortalized, and you’ll have created a unique decoration that reminds you of the love that has been shown to you. Here are a few great crafts you can try with your greeting cards!

Scrapbook it: There is no better way to preserve a memory than to scrapbook it. Not only will you preserve the card, but you will also create a document that reminds you of how you felt when you received it and what it means to you. Years from now when you look over that scrapbook, those feelings can be recaptured, and you will feel an even stronger connection to the person who sent you such a sweet message.

No matter how long you keep your cards, or how you preserve them, remember that choosing to send a card is choosing to send love and affection. It’s a simple way to remind those around you that you care and you want them to have proof of that. So make your cards last, and the feelings they bring will last, too.

Have an outstanding day!
