Here are just some things to keep in mind while on your MLM Success journey!

Remember – it’s a 2-5 year plan – and that means being in action mode every year of that plan. Perseverance is a key skill and will take you far.

No – doesn’t always mean No. Very often, it means “not yet.” Make sure you are still in the game when the timing is right for your prospect.

Success in our profession is about developing certain business skills. The only way to fine tune them is to practice – phone skills; communications skills; telling your product and business story – practice, drill and rehearse!

Don’t be a whiner! Sometimes there are bumps in the road. Don’t feel compelled to share those “bumps” with everyone you meet, or on public online forums. It just makes you look bad and on the Internet. it’s hard to take it back.

Your role as a leader is to light the path for others – take on that challenge every day!

Most of those worthwhile things we experience come from within. Work hardest on developing and improving yourself!

Have an outstanding day!
