Last week I asked if you were serious about your business and talked to you about setting SMART goals.

This week I am going to talk to you about measuring.

measure success
















Let’s look at your business like a cake recipe.

  1. You need to have all the right ingredients.
  2. You need to make sure you are using the ingredients in the right proportions and in the right ways.
  3. You need to tweak and tailor the recipe to make it your own amazing creation.
  4. Then you perfect it by doing what works over and over again.

The same can be said for business:

  1. What gets measured is what gets done.
  2. What gets measured is what gets managed.
  3. What gets measured and reported improves exponentially.
  4. What are you measuring and how are you being held accountable?

Where you put your focus is where you get your results. So the question for you to evaluate in your business right now is where is your focus? Is it on productivity, profit, planning, management, troubleshooting, research and development?

Taking a good honest look at where your business is, how you are treating it and what you are expecting it to give back to you is your job as the captain of your own ship.

The best and worst thing about being the captain of a ship is you are either going to sail or sink. When you do more successfully at sailing, then your odds of sinking are slim. However if you don’t practice and measure your successes, you may not be ready to recover if ever your ship is is in a sinking situation.

Ride the wave of success by starting to measure your business metrics as often as you need to – daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly so that you’ll know you’ll arrive at where you are headed – success!

Much Success!

Have an outstanding day!!

