
It’s a known fact that people are starved for recognition and in many cases will work harder for recognition than money.

Most work at a job that is unfulfilling, for a boss that does
not appreciate them; for pay that is far less than they believe they are worth.
Ring any bells?
So, knowing that, leader’s acknowledge the successes of their
team members. So, have fun watching your business boom and
sharing those accomplishments with every one.
Make phone calls to recognize your team and follow up by email.

Recognize at team events.

Make sure you are sincere and make it heartfelt.

When you get results in M.L.M. you WILL be noticed.

It sound so small and oversimplified, but it can not be
emphasized enough. Recognition is key to moving a
team forward.

The more you give, the more you get! Isn’t that fun?

Who can you recognize TODAY!

