Sara's Guest Blog




Have you ever been so thirsty that you thought you could never quench the thirst?

by Guest Blogger, Cheri Ruskus, Author, Business Growth Coach & Founder of the Victory Circles

As I write this letter, the memory of being a small child on a family road trip across the country comes to mind. We were visiting my cousins in New Mexico and had almost arrived when a powerful thirst hit me from the summer sun. We soon found ourselves at an A&W Root Beer stand.

Well I drank that delicious root beer down like there was no tomorrow and faster than my mother thought humanly possible! But I can still remember after all these years the terrible tummy ache that followed. As I was wrenching in pain, I still had the same initial thirst… because water is actually what I needed.

As the years have gone by since that root beer on the hot summer day in New Mexico, I can’t help but think of how that experience is exactly how the majority of us entrepreneurs run our business. We are driven by the sweetest rewards we can get, instead of focusing on the hydration that our business needs to stay strong and flourish over the long-term.

During my recent stay in California, my daughter and I arrived in our hotel room to find two bottles of water sitting there for us. Like most of you reading this we have grown suspicious of bottled water in hotel rooms and their hidden fees. Instead we were surprised to find a card under the bottles of water that simply said complimentary hydration.

I loved the sound of those words and they have inspired today’s letter in answering the question of not only what hydrates us throughout our lives – but also what makes us stay thirsty and allow us to drink up that which will properly hydrate us.

Last week I wrote about this month of December and how it is best known for giving. The emotions giving can bring can sometimes thoroughly deplete us if we are not careful.

When I decided so many years ago to honor Napoleon Hills principle of Living by the Golden Rule of Human Conduct (which I renamed to Fully Giving) I did so knowing that giving – while simplistic in nature – can be difficult when you are depleted of what sustains you. Just like we need oxygen, we need the simplicity of water to survive.

As we look towards the next few weeks and the art of giving we must continue to sustain what our inner hearts and souls need most. By doing so, we can enter the year of 2015 full of renewed energy! By carefully hydrating ourselves with what we each need most we can insure that we have even more to give in the year ahead.

So drink up and gather strength where you can – both personally and professionally.

Quench your thirst and be merry!

Have a Successful Day!

Sara (& Cheri)