Get ready for success and MAKE ROOM FOR SUCCESS.

Do this by cleaning out and clearing out. Get very focused and set aside some time each day of the week to do this. By the end of the week, your home will be cleaned and along with it, your mind.

Are you a pack rat, saving everything “just in case?” Are your drawers, cabinets and closets filled to the brim?

Is this serving you well, or is it affecting your ability to take action and move forward?

I know for me, clutter affects me mentally and holds me back! How about you?

So, let’s start today and start with your office area.

Clean out the drawers, cabinets, files, etc.

Get rid of ANYTHING you don’t need and are not using.

Prepare your work area so that it is a calm, comfortable, happy place in which to conduct business.

Make things readily accessible to you.

Today, start with your office.

Then, move to your bedroom and do the same.

Follow that with your bathroom.

Then, your kitchen.

Your main living area, and so on.

Do one room a day until it is done.

Start piles for throw away, give away and do something with.

Make sure you get rid of the “give away” piles ASAP. Then, you won’t have a tendency to pick through it and “re-claim” stuff you really don’t need.

By cleaning out, you are making room for success and the “things” that come along with it!

To your success,
