I became more and more aware of my relationships and the person I show up as when working with my team members in my Network Marketing company. After leaving corporate America I was playing in a different game. Everyone I was now working with were independent business owners, they just happened to be on my team. I was grateful. They were people of all different backgrounds and skill sets and I was determined to help them use their skill and develop new ones to be successful.

What I realized was that leadership was different in Network Marketing . Have you ever felt like you could get the job done, tell people what to do and how to do it and still know something was missing. In corporate America, staffs of people took direction all the time but did not have the kind of personal investment an independent business owner in Network Marketing / MLM or home based businesses have.

The next awareness for me was learning to understand and how to operate in this independent home based business or direct sales world.

The secret to understanding came from being recently directed to an interview video of Daniel Goleman, a specialist in the study of Emotional Intelligence. THIS IS IT!


This was the key I have been looking for. It put what I was feeling into words. Mr. Goleman wrote a book called Emotional Intelligence In The Work Place

There are 5 Skill Sets that are part of Emotional Intelligence:

1. Self awareness – knowing what you are feeling and use the feelings as a guide as you would intuition.
2. Emotional Management – how do you manage your emotions? Do you fall apart under stress, say things you wish you had not, have temper tantrums? Anthony Robbins teaches a good number of skill building exercises that help manage emotions so your emotions don’t manage you. My experience is this is key.
3. Motivation – can you work toward your goals and be consistently on the path?
4. Tune Into Other People – Do you have empathy? How well do you tune into or connect with other people? Tuning in is knowing how someone is feeling. It is building rapport with someone.
5. Socially Skilled- How do you deal with relationships, how do you deal with conflict? How skilled are you with other people.

These 5 skill sets are the measurement of your Emotional Intelligence. Being aware, building each skill set and being a role model for your team members is the answer. The more Emotional Intelligence that moves from you to your team the more success you will notice. These are the basic skills taught in just about every Network Marketing training program. It may not be described like this.

You will know when you see it.

Emotional Intelligence in Network Marketing? You bet. Measure your skill in these 5 areas. How do you show up in your work with your prospects, and your team members?

You have what it takes to be on the top of your game. Play full out!!!

Tell me what skill has been the most helpful and easiest for you? What has been the most challenging?

Much Success!!!
