
2014 has started. The obvious! What may not be as obvious is your reason for change. You know it is time. I have felt this way for several months. Don’t ask me why, but when I am feeling something it seems that there are others feeling the same way. So, I started reading. An article grabbed my attention but it was really about changing jobs. It hit me strongly because it felt that these were the same reasons I find for myself, for some of my Network Marketing Team mates as-well as some of my Network Marketing clients.

These reasons come up at this time of the year because it is a time when you review the past and start looking at what you want to create in the future. The future being this year, 2014. One client said with exasperation, “Well it definitely will be different, it has to be better and more inspiring then 2013,” after he did his yearly review.

5 Top Reasons Why Network Marketers Put Their Foot On The Gas!

1. You’ve simply had it with what you have and what you have created. You have been working in your company for months, maybe years, and have not seen the results that you thought you would create when you started. You are aware that “You want
more!” You are now clear that your dabbling in your business has become more painful, uncomfortable, disconnected, and unproductive and you can’t continue on this way one more minute.

2. You have the confidence and courage to do it. You are intelligent, bright, skilled. You’ve done your research and training to know that you have the skill and ability to be successful. You know what it takes. You are aware. Your self-esteem is involved and it is time to pick it up a bunch of levels. You have had some success and you still have the confidence and determination to have even more.

3. You have taken off the rose-colored glasses and your eyes are wide open! You have learned a great deal through your Network Marketing/MLM experience and know what to look for. It almost has nothing to do with the company but more to do with how you show up. Your emotional state. You realize success is waiting for you to wake up. Success is waiting for you to straighten up your identity and perspective. That it is your job. You realize that now is the time to get on the path to making change. Change is what is definitely required to create the quality of life that you want.

4. You have the support you need. Change sometimes can feel like you are moving a boulder. You know you can’t make this change alone. You want to feel empowered and outside help can assist you with a new perspective of you, your emotional state, your skills, your talents, and your passions. You know you need support and you know where to find it. Keep looking up your line in your organization till you find a person who is passionate the way you want to be and who will keep you accountable. Look for support from your friends and family to make these changes lasting.

5. You know there is more to your life and you are ready to take it on. You are ready to step up. You know you deserve it!!! The time for change is now. The time to take the steps to success is now. The time to be the best Network Marketing Pro is NOW! Hit a home run this year!!!

I look forward to celebrating on the other side of the year!!! What are the 3 biggest habits, perspectives, beliefs or language you will change now to achieve your
success? I look forward to hearing from you.

Much Success,

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