Simple Scripts You Will Love To Introduce Your Business

One of the things that stops people from making that list and then actually contacting people about the business is fear of what to say; and how to answer questions and deal with objections. Here are some simple ideas to break the ice. Remember, you aren’t a professional sales person; you are simply sharing information. “Hey […]

Deeper Relationships Mean Longer Lasting Relationships

People do business with people they know, like, and trust. If you look at the customers and Distributors you have sponsored, in most cases these people have decided to work with you because, even if for a moment, they believed they liked you and could trust you to have their best interest at heart. So, […]

Part-Time Network Marketers Make Up the Majority of MLM

Part Time Network Marketer’s make up the largest majority of our profession and most people start out part time. Don’t be fooled, though! It is very possible to build a full time business with part time effort. Here are some ideas to make the most of a part time effort: 1. Every Sunday evening, block […]