
This weekend is the Anthony Robbins training/seminar called Unleash the Power Within.  At the end of the first day there is the Fire Walk. Walking on very hot coals barefoot. The staff of volunteers does an amazing job making this experience truly a gift to the growth of everyone attending.

The walk across coals repre
sents Freedom to be whoever you want to be. The Freedom to have the courage to do whatever is possible. It is a life changing experience. It was for me. It represented to me just how much control we have over our thoughts, actions, and choices. The Freedom to choose is a very valuable right.  To live in Freedom takes a lot of courage.




I look forward to celebrating Independence Day and what it represents. The courage of so many so long ago to stand in their integrity for what they believed was right for all. To abolish control. To live Free to
make a difference in their own lives and others.  To live Free and courageously to make choices that were for the greater good.

Yes it takes courage to be free and to believe you can be free. When one grows up hearing 5000 no’s from your parents in the first 5 years of life, we learn to live according to others. Those 5000 no’s were necessary. They are really a training course in the first part of your life so you know physically what will work or not. They help guide you. At some time, Free Will Choice kicks in and it becomes time for one to have the courage to make one’s own choices.  It is a learning process for every individual.
Some do it more successfully than others depending on the foundation of their belief system. Still they are all lessons on making quality decisions for the self as-well as the greater good.

I wish you the courage to live free. To be who you want to truly be. The freedom to live your passion.

I keep saying courage because that is what it takes. It is easier to be part of the crowd and do what is accepted around you. When that is not what you want, then it takes the courage to be you. And, you are not alone in showing that courage and acting for Freedom.

Enjoy Richie Haven’s performance of an impromptu song he originally sang at Woodstock.

Richie Haven’s performance of Freedom

I had the opportunity or gift of attending a performance Richie Haven’s at Syracuse University in a very small theater. It was so small that I had the chance to sit in the front row.  It was an inspiring, passionate and moving concert.

Enjoy your Independence Holiday celebration!!!

Much Success!!!

Have an outstanding day!!!
