loa2So how did the last week go for you? We were practicing the LAW OF ATTRACTION. Wanna play along – check out last week’s blog posting here.

I hope you found some surprise in your experiences. 🙂 And I hope you keep playing! Because the more I do this, the more I find it working in all parts of my life.


Others may disagree with me but, it’s not like magic, it’s not a secret society, it is just your brain looking out for what you tell it to be looking for, and being prepared with a positive experience when it happens.

So today, let’s put this to work for you in your business…

Finish the following sentences, write them down, put them in a place that you will see them and can read over it many times during the day. Keep all of the answers honest and positive.
I am … (a positive emotion).

I attract … (a positive energy).

I attract people who are …

I attract experiences that are …

Mine reads like this.

Now, this was far from even a crash course in the LAW OF ATTRACTION, because there is truly lots and lots and lots and lots of better places to learn about it, and from people that understand and can explain it better than I can. But either way, I would love to hear what your statements are and your experience with the LOA (law of attraction) – leave a comment or message me!

Have an outstanding day!!

Much success,
