personal responsibility
Beliefs are powerful, and they shape everything inĀ our lives and our business.
Let’s talk about the belief of – Personal Responsibility.
Many people like to go through life thinking that ” life just
happens to us.” Good things, bad things – whatever – we
have no control over it.

Think how empowering it might be, however, to take
on “personal responsibility”, meaning you shoulder
the blame for all that happens to you.

Once you adapt this way of thinking, amazing things
will begin to “happen.” You’ll let go of blame and frustration with
others as you come to realize that YOU are responsible for YOU, and
your thoughts and feelings.
I am responsible for my own success, happiness and fulfillment. –
Whether it’s a world class athlete, a Fortune 500 CEO or any
successful individual, a common thread is personal responsibility.
I believe this is the most difficult role for 90% of the population
to accept. We live in a time where personal responsibility is all
but gone. We want to blame others for everything from the weather,
to our happiness to our health.
The “victim mentality” is alive and well and bringing down those
who “buy into it.” When you empower yourself to know and believe
that everything that happens is up to you, you will find a deep
sense of relief and encouragement in that. It will drive you to
ferociously attack your goals and dreams and you’ll let nothing or
no one stand in your way. And, in the end, it’s you and the mirror.
I don’t know about you, but that is empowering to me, personally. I
work much harder knowing I am free to BE the success I want to be
and am dependent on no one else to “grant this” for me.