Think About It: Do You Believe You Can Or You Can’t?

One of my favorite quotes is by Henry Ford. He says, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.” The question at hand is if you believe that or not.  I do. Let’s use an example to illustrate this point. If I ask you to think of a round trampoline with a […]

What to Measure for Business Success

Last week I asked if you were serious about your business and talked to you about setting SMART goals. This week I am going to talk to you about measuring.                               Let’s look at your business like a cake recipe. You […]

Tis The Season

As we enter into the week of Christmas and wrap up Hanukkah, I wanted to wish you all a week of quality time with your loved ones. May you enjoy the precious time you have with them and know I am grateful for you. Next week, we’ll talk about accountability.           […]

What’s your Why? Mission, benefits, purpose.

So this is the week that most people think about all they are grateful for. It is the season to reflect on what worked, went well and what did not. If I were to ask you, “What is your why?”, would you be able to quickly and succinctly respond? Most people can not. If you […]

What Are Your Follow Up Statistics?

Last week’s blog talked about timing for outstanding follow up, well this week we are going to look at the numbers. Did you know that 48% of people will never follow up with a prospect? Think of a time when you went to a trade show and wrote down your information and how well over […]

Would you like to Master Relationship Marketing?

Would you like to make ridiculous amounts of money? In Master Relationship Marketing Seminars, Kody Bateman addresses the importance of relationships to grow your business and explains why it should be your goal. What is Relationship Marketing? Relationship Marketing is a strategy that works to create customer and consumer loyalty, engagement and, most importantly, a […]

Let Your Positive Attitude Lead

As an entrepreneur, you have an amazing opportunity. You have the power to create a business that encourages people to promote goodness and embrace the positive. Imagine a world where people actually act on their promptings to make a difference in the lives of others?That’s what SendOutCards is all about! We’re also about building and […]

How We Hear Our Prospects

In the entrepreneurial community, some businesses meet wild success, while others flop. The ones that flop tend to focus too much on the product or service they’re offering. While the ones that flourish listen to their customers. Listening has become so vital to the business world. Truly listening. Of course your goal in business is […]

Expanding Your Comfort Zone

We all have them – those familiar patterns of behavior we resist changing. They become so automatic we hardly even think about them. We like what is familiar and predictable. So how do we become aware of our comfort zones and work our way OUT of them in order to find success?  David Krueger, M.D., and contributor […]

Millennials Exploding in Network Marketing

Millennials may be the generation to make network marketing explode. Most millennials have no interest in joining a corporate company and staying for their entire career. Which makes network marketing ideal. Many millennials have reportedly shown interest in starting their own business or already have. Sites like eBay and Etsy have helped orchestrate this type […]