bucket list

I have always wanted to travel across the ocean on a ship. I DID IT!  April 2013! Now it is on my DONE LIST!

This trip was a Bucket List Item for me.  A friend called and said there was a transatlantic cruise, would I be interested in going with her. I had never gotten a call like that. The universe was saying it was time to experience another Bucket List item. It was Great!  And, I could do this because of my Network Marketing business. I could leave, travel, adventure and leave my financial concerns behind. I had
the freedom of time, money and physical location to go adventure.

I am not just talking about goals. I am talking about the list of things that are life changing experiences. A Life List as John Goddard called it How:  http://www.johngoddard.info/ and http://www.johngoddard.info/life_list.htm

Whether you are in your twenties or fifties or somewhere in between, you can do what you want.

You can live life intentionally, powerfully and inspirationally by deciding to live it with memorable moments. Turning your bucket list into your LIFE!

Think of all the experiences you would like to have but have always been afraid to acknowledge or write down for fear of failure. Your list is your ideas of what can be. You do them or not but it is a way to step up and step out of your comfort zone.

What are your unfulfilled desires that if you wrote them down would become a reality. What are those items that scare you to say “I can do this”.  If you could write your own amazing stories, ones that are filled with passion, contribution, adventure, opulence, wealth, vitality, etc. what would they be?

So what can you do to start making that list NOW!  Live your Dreams!

5 Steps to Create Your Bucket List
1.  CLARIFY your dreams!   Align with your values and identity.  Don’t ask IF, ask HOW! Ask WHY NOT ME?

2.  OBSESS! Write them out!

Be grateful and experience them as if they have been accomplished. Feel them!
Make a dream board!
Identify 10 actions you can take!
Dedicate 5 minutes a day, reading them. Scheduling them when possible.

3.  GET LEVERAGE   What are the consequences if you don’t take action?

4.  Take ACTION!

5.  Keep TAKING ACTION! Look at the results! Try something NEW!


  1. Fear? Finances? Focus? Family? Time?
  2. What other story is also true?
  3. If you were paid $1M to complete items on your bucket list, HOW would you do it?

Here are some ACTION STEPS to help you move forward with your dreams.

  1. Listen to Anthony Robbins’ Goal Achieving Workshop on Ultimate Edge Interactive or Personal Power 2.
  2. Make a list of the Memorable moments you WILL LIVE!
  3. Identify what you can do this Quarter! This YEAR!  Get started!

What is not on your list that scares you?

What is on your list that scares you?

I have a mentor, Marc Von Musser. He is one inspiring man. He has big visions for himself and holds the big vision of others.  He has a Bucket List and is always encouraging me to keep looking at mine.

What are the items you want to put on your Bucket List but have been afraid to do so?
Send me your list.  Make a commitment to these things that if you can you will.
Don’t let your corporate job, or your cubicle keep you tethered.
Step up to what you want.

Have an outstanding day!!!

Much success,
