If you have been in the business world in the last, oh I don’t know, 100 years – you’ve probably heard of the LAW OF ATTRACTION (did you hear that in my best movie voice?, I hope so). If you haven’t studied it much or not even heard it before, here is the quickest explanation:

“What you THINK about you BRING about.”

What does this mean? (in my own understanding)
SO you probably knew that we don’t even use 100% of our brain, right?
And that your brain is always turned on, right? Like have you ever tried to sleep at night before a big event or trip and your brain can barely calm down, and then you might even have weird dreams after you do sleep – because our brains are always on.
SO because our wonderful always on brains actually think faster than we know – it saves time by looking for patterns. So if you are looking for a white car in a parking lot, likely you will see more white cars than if you were looking for a dog in the parking lot. Following? If you have ever relaxed under the cloudy sky and found shapes and animals in the clouds? Have you ever noticed that the kid obsessed with dinosaurs finds a dinosaur cloud and the kid obsessed with race cars finds the fastest moving race car cloud? It’s because it is what they are looking for.

Ok, ok – so how does this relate into your life? It means that you have the power and control to know what is coming in your life. (Boom!) Right, did that just blow you away or what?! πŸ™‚

But it is true… Play a game with me.
Close your eyes (ok don’t close your eyes, cuz that would be a very short game, since you couldn’t keep reading along with me) LOL.
Ok, so think of getting into your car and driving, you have been driving for a while and you finally get to your destination. You are running just a little behind than you would have liked and as you pull in you realize that there is no parking nearby and you have to pull into a parking garage.
Now think of when you are driving in the parking garage, you are looking for a place to park….
and you come around the corner thinking, “Yes that’s the perfect spot!” And then a little smart car or motorcycle, that you couldn’t see until you almost pulled in to park is there, and OH – what is your next thought… ?
1. @#$^&** of course this always happens to me.
2. #$^ I hate those kinds of cars/motorcycles.
3. Oh well, I will find another spot.
4. No problem, there is a better spot for me anyhow.

Naturally, yes Number One is probably most of our first responses and then what happens next? You probably end up feeling like there are no spots for you and you have to park farther than you would have liked. In fact, your day probably just got a little bit worse. πŸ™

Number Two? Yes, I’ve actually thought and maybe even said this. We all know it is frustrating to think a parking space is open and to almost pull in before we realize it’s taken, but if this was your thought – you’ll probably find ten more spots just like this one with the little car taking up so much space, getting more irritated each time. πŸ™‚

Number Three? You’ve become neutral on the issue of a parking spot and continue about your day. Good for you! Your emotions are not tied to this issue.

Number Four? You have likely enacted the LAW OF ATTRACTION (did you say it with the movie voice again?) inside your very busy and always on brain – which then tells your brain to FIND me a better spot. So, what happens next? You find a better spot and have a reason to back it – “oh I like parking on the top level anyhow, then I get some sunshine and I don’t like feeling like I’m underground”… or “oh, great a spot closer to the elevator, how nice.”

You thought about something, and your brain did everything in its power to bring it to you, thus the LAW OF ATTRACTION (ok, I’ll knock it off now). πŸ™‚

Practice the next week – thinking about what you want… everything from how your breakfast meal will come together and taste to how it will feel when you sign on a rockin’ entrepreneur into your business or turn in a big project… think before it happens, think of the emotions, feelings, tastes, smells… all of it. Visualize it. Let it sink in. Practice on good things and on turning around bad or uncomfortable situations, even as simple as finding a parking place.
Be clear, ask for what you want and tell us about it.
Have an outstanding day!

Much success,
