“The simple act of paying positive attention to people has a great deal to do with productivity.” -Tom Peters

Sara Balance

Most all people want to be more productive with their time, so they can accomplish their goals.

You are probably one of those people. But you don’t want that productivity to come at the expense of interpersonal relationships. Relationships are the reason you work so hard. You want to provide for your family, have fun with your friends, make memories. But you can’t do that if you are working all the time. So how do you find the balance?

It’s a very simple concept of putting what matters most to you first. For most of us, that is relationships. When a diligent effort is made to focus on the relationships in your life, you can learn how to better manage your time when it comes to achieving your goals. It can be as simple as applying the same skills you use to grow your business to your relationships.

As you apply the same skills you’ve learned to build your business to your relationships, you will find that your relationships and business can grow together. It may be a struggle, but it’s a struggle that it is worth it.

Much Success! Have an outstanding day!!
