
Here is the thing, I love networking. Why? Because I find people fascinating and love to hear their stories. The problem that I have found is that the busier I am the less time I seem to have. I was missing live networking meetings and felt I needed to find a solution for this.


I had met several business people who were doing all their networking on line and very successfully for their business development. I decided this is what I wanted to do – become an online networker.

My first approach was to research Internet Marketing thinking that was what would be the solution to my problem. This actually was very fascinating and hours of work. What I realized was that I had taken in a lot of skills but it did not connect me to people. It was not what I wanted.

You may be saying, what was she thinking? Yes, I love to learn and spent allot of hours on this. It has helped in several ways but it was a side trip from my focus. And, what you focus on is what you get.

Back to the drawing board!

Yes, I was participating in social media on the side and not taking it seriously, till this year. I discovered several amazing success stories and teachers: Facebook- Mike Dillard, Jonathan Budd, Jackie Ulmer, LinkedIn –Thomas Signorello, Lewes Howes, Greig Wells (from Anthony Robbins Business Mastery).

It is amazing just how easy it is to connect with others on Facebook or Linked In. And, I decided today I would take on Pinterest! I had a conversation filled with learning and excitement with  Thomas Signorello the Linkedin guy. He really knows his material and strategies and was impressed that I could keep up with him with some of the ideas and strategies I had for Linkedin. The acknowledgement felt great.

You may think, well I have been doing this for years. I can imagine.

And, for you who has not it is time to step up.

Right now there are 1 billion people on Facebook. That is one big networking party.
The trick is to create a strategy that helps you grow by connecting and making friends and contacts on social media. Developing relationships. Be the go to person.

I know this is vague and general theory. It excited me today. I would love to share this with you.

I have discovered several strategies on LinkedIn today that can make a huge difference in my networking from my desk chair.

What techniques have you developed or learned that made a difference in filling your pipeline and  building your business? Please share in the comment section.
Much success in building your data place / prospect platform.

Have an outstanding day!!!
