
What I have noticed is my life is molded or created through a process of discipline. In your Network Marketing / MLM business from home, DISCIPLINE and FOCUS create success.  As a result of discipline, which is consistent and ongoing action or habits that are executed life seems to take shape itself.

Are you ready to shift the shape of your life?

What you focus on consistently produces meaning for you, which creates emotion. Emotion is the basis for all decisions, shifts and changes which influence your behavior, your life.

3 Elements of Focus  

 What you say consistently creates a path for action. It can be a path to success or a crazy 8 pattern that will control your focus resulting in behavior that can sabotage your achieving your goals. This is shift number one.  Be conscious of your language and what you say to yourself over and over and over. It is a message of what you want to create.
 What you own emotionally. Emotions are a very powerful tool. If you have watched the movies Secret or What the Bleep you would learn that the emotions you focus on create the quality of your life. The vibration at which you operate. Emotions cause actions. Actions that grow your life come from your

  1. discipline to manage your emotions.

 What you declare outloud. What you say to others has meaning to them and to yourself.

  1. Whatever you say out loud, with total authority, certainty and emotion consistently we begin to believe and experience.  What you speak is your focus.  Notice today what you say to others. How did you speak this? What was the emotion in the statement spoken out loud.  Say this enough and you will change.

This in itself is a very powerful tool. It identified where her focus was, where it was going and what was controlling her focus.

Take ONE DAY!!!

Here is an easy exercise for you to do anywhere anytime.

Use a small notebook easy enough to carry or your smart phone. Make a note when you start your day:

What is the first thing I said to myself today?  Check on this every hour and note this in your book or phone.

What am I feeling emotionally? Check on this every hour and note this in your book or phone.

What are my declarations to myself or to others?   Check on this every hour and note this in your book or phone.

After your eight hours a day review your notebook or phone notes.  Where was your focus? What was the predominant message you are giving yourself.

Exercise 2

What is it you want to achieve? Where do you know you want to focus to achieve this or these goals?  Imagine what the changes of focus will achieve. Imagine your success.

Do you need an accountability partner to execute these 2 exercises?  Let me know.
When is the best time for you to change your focus and your success?

Have an outstanding day!!!

Much success,
