Have you taken the time to identify just who your target market really is for your business? Most people fail to do this and they operate under the misguided notion that everyone could be right fortheir business.

To really attract the right people to your business, you want to give them something that is going to provide a solution for them.

Business really is about creating win-win situations and it’s not all take-take-take! It’s about giving value.

Giving value doesn’t mean that you pitch your deal just because you think they’ll benefit from what you’re selling (or what you are ‘sharing’).

It goes much deeper than that and you must be willing to dig for it!

You want to sponsor people into your business, right? So answer this question first –

“What kind of people might be interested in joining my business?”

Once you can fully answer that question you’ll be much better equipped to know what solution you can provide, and that will further the relationship. And, you can easily ask others for referrals when you share with them exactly WHO you are looking for.

The formula to attract the right people to you, pre-sold on YOU and what you offer is right here and it’s simple.

It all starts with asking and then answering the right questions…

1. “WHO is your target market?”
2. “What kinds of things are they looking for, thinking about, and talking about?”
3. “What are some of their problems that you can help solve?”

Knowing this is the first step in attracting a continuous stream of highly interested prospects to you… effectively, confidently, while having a lot more fun.