Perform at your BEST in your business! This will get you excellent
results. The more you “perform”, the better your performance will
be. Practice, practice, practice. Hesitant to start conversations
and talk to people about your business? Begin by just TALKING to
people first about general things – the weather, what’s for dinner,
where they are from, how their summer is going, etc. This will get
you in the habit of asking powerful questions, too!

You only get better by DOING! You’ve got to be bad before you can be good, and good before you can be GREAT! Develop your script and hot button and practice it. Practice in the mirror, practice to your family, practice to anyone who will listen. Record yourself and improve.

Performing at your best really involves getting your thinking and
your attitude right first. When you have internal confidence, it
shows up everywhere else.

Have your game face on each and every day. What does it mean to have your game face on? Have your attitude together about your business and your products. What knowledge and belief do you possess? What will you say when people ask you what you do?

Much success!
