I love this quote by Shad Helmstetter, author of the amazing book – What to Say When You Talk to Yourself;

“The most powerful tool we have for creating our success is our own Self-Talk. The right Self-Talk literally changes your thoughts, your attitude, your actions, and your day.”
Do you pay attention to the words you run through your brain repeatedly about yourself; your accomplishments; your failures; and your perceptions about your own abilities to be successful in your business?

If you are not getting ahead in your business and creating the success you want, it’s very likely that “You” and the words you speak to yourself, even on a subconscious level are the reason you are not succeeding.

Try keeping a journal for a week and pay attention to your thoughts. Each time you become aware of what you are thinking, write it down, both good and bad. Then, make a conscious effort to shift the negative thoughts to positive.

The more you become aware, the faster you can make a shift!

Have a Successful Day,
