Embracing the Freedom of Restrictions

I have found that sometimes working for yourself can be a difficult task. Here are some things that I’ve found to be harder than working a JOB. The hours are often longer than at a job. The health benefits aren’t paid by another company. And sometimes the boss can be a real (hard ass). 🙂 […]


When you look at what is truly important to you, are you in alignment with this or congruent with your outlook?  What habits have you conditioned in yourself to ensure failure? Yes, I am talking to you, corporate job holder, be it executive or administration level, Network Marketer, production line worker. Is what you are […]

Why Does Building a Network Marketing Business Seem So Hard?

 Does it seem to be difficult and so you are thinking of giving up on your dreams of a fantastic lifestyle and freedom from financial stress? Relax! It’s only as difficult as you make it in your own mind, and the steps to engage someone and sign them up in our business is really very […]