fail succeed

When you look at what is truly important to you, are you in alignment with this or congruent with your outlook?  What habits have you conditioned in yourself to ensure failure?

Yes, I am talking to you, corporate job holder, be it executive or administration level, Network Marketer, production line worker. Is what you are doing now a demonstration of your stepping up to live your dreams or are you satisfying a need for certainty and security?

In our society many have been raised through conditioning failure and not success. The time was not taken to show, demonstrate or model how to be a success as a child or teen. The path to failure is paved with bad habits. Bad habits around taking care of your body, your emotions, your mental conditioning, and your connections and deeper understanding of self.

Failure takes no work at all to achieve. Make wrong decisions and choices, do nothing and well, there you have it. Success takes conditioning. If this was not from with you from the time you were a child or young adult then now.

In order to really be successful I have found that it takes making a consistent commitment to a standard that you set and sticking to it. It is giving up that which is not a contribution to your well being and taking on habits that will help you grow and thrive. Lasting change is made by doing the same things, the right things (which only you can determine for you) over and over again till that becomes your new conditioning. Easy! Not really.  I have talked here, in my blog, before about discipline and for many discipline is not easy. What is easy is to say I will do x y or z and not do it. It is the discipline to do it every day or to do it according to your commitment.

I am listening to Mastering Influence a recorded CD program by Tony Robbins that is having a profound effect on me. I listened to this twice over the last 4 years and every time I listen and take notes, I pick up something new. I condition a new habit.

Lucky for me success in work was conditioned very early. What I see is the conditioning of success at a higher level was not part of this early conditioning.  I took the step last night to do just that. I joined a mentoring group that has made some pretty big claims. Before I registered for this I checked out what
it really meant to me to step up. I checked out my conditioning, my stalls, my obstacles. Those beliefs that are in my way of achieving the vision I have of and for myself and family.

Answer these questions and then, please leave a comment below. I would like it if you would share your success strategy in changing any conditioning that was creating failure and not success for you.

Much Success!!!
