2016 Goals: The Marathon Is Still On

Is it possible that we are ¾ of the way done with 2016? The other day I noticed Christmas stuff was up in a retail store. My mind rushed to think about my 2016 goals and if I had done what I said I was going to do. Before we know it, the marathon will […]

Here’s Some Viral Inspiration

The latest viral video can be more than just a good laugh or share. It can be the inspiration you need to keep pursuing your entrepreneurial dreams. Here are a few that may inspire you. The American Ninja T-Rex. American Ninja is a popular reality television obstacle course for the insanely fit. One contestant did […]

Finding The Perfect Follow Up System

Finding a follow up system that works for a group of people is tricky. Why is that? Well it is because, finding the perfect follow up system that works extremely well for an individual is difficult. Part of the reason for this is we live in a technology based world with so many ways to […]

How Is Your Timing For Outstanding Follow Up?

As I coach clients, one of the most common things I find is that people would like a cookie cutter recipe for following up but the fact is follow up needs to be much more flexible than this. I could easily outline a plan for you that would say, after you talk to your potential […]

A Healthy Body For A Healthy Mind

We’ve all heard the expression, healthy body = healthy mind, right? And we’ve all rolled our eyes upon hearing the expression because let’s face it, exercise is often not very fun. For many of us, it’s just another thing on our to-do list that we never seem to get to – no matter how much […]

Would you like to Master Relationship Marketing?

Would you like to make ridiculous amounts of money? In Master Relationship Marketing Seminars, Kody Bateman addresses the importance of relationships to grow your business and explains why it should be your goal. What is Relationship Marketing? Relationship Marketing is a strategy that works to create customer and consumer loyalty, engagement and, most importantly, a […]

Let Your Positive Attitude Lead

As an entrepreneur, you have an amazing opportunity. You have the power to create a business that encourages people to promote goodness and embrace the positive. Imagine a world where people actually act on their promptings to make a difference in the lives of others?That’s what SendOutCards is all about! We’re also about building and […]

Time To Problem Solve!

As an entrepreneur it’s up to you to deal with each problem that arises. Problem solving then is a must-have skill. But sometimes we all just get stuck and can’t seem to find the solution. When you are the one in charge, you have to keep all the details in your head – and that […]

Thank Your Way To Success!

How good does it feel when someone says ‘thank you’ and really means it? Do you get that little tingle that makes you think ‘I did do something good!’ A little appreciation can make you feel needed and important. One of the hardest things about running your own business is connecting with your customers. You […]

How We Hear Our Prospects

In the entrepreneurial community, some businesses meet wild success, while others flop. The ones that flop tend to focus too much on the product or service they’re offering. While the ones that flourish listen to their customers. Listening has become so vital to the business world. Truly listening. Of course your goal in business is […]