Communication: Little Comma, Big Deal

Have you ever misplaced or forgot a comma … ? It can really change the whole tone of a sentence… shout the following two sentences out loud and see what I mean.                    The little details in communication are often big details in life. Communication is skill […]

When Your Team Isn’t Growing…

When Your Team Isn’t Growing…Look Inward to Determine the Cause There can be a few reasons why a team isn’t growing and most of them involve looking inward.   The tendency is to look at the team; to look at others and want to point a finger in their direction and wonder why they aren’t […]

We Never Like to Think About It…

As you grow a business, there are times when conflict can arise. It can come in all different forms. And, when you are successful, there will sometimes be people who will behave in disappointing ways. Sometimes, people can be rude, unprofessional and even say things that are not true. Sometimes, it comes from friends or family who cannot handle […]

Have you ever pondered what it means to “make a difference?”

We often fall into the mistake of thinking that unless we do something major – like find the cure for cancer or create world peace – we aren’t really making a difference. From the person who spends their day caring for an elderly parent or family member; to the person working with inner city kids; to the stay home […]