Let Your Positive Attitude Lead

As an entrepreneur, you have an amazing opportunity. You have the power to create a business that encourages people to promote goodness and embrace the positive. Imagine a world where people actually act on their promptings to make a difference in the lives of others?That’s what SendOutCards is all about! We’re also about building and […]

Toxins: Not Just Chemicals Part 2

Last week we talked about the toxins in our lives, that often go without check. Negative Self talk was one of them. You can read that post here. Some people aren’t even aware of the negative talk that goes on all day in their own mind. Which isn’t good because it can be very influencing on […]

Toxins: Not Just Chemicals

              Let’s face it, this world can be a toxic place!!! Daily we are becoming more aware of: the toxic pesticides and low nutrition in our produce, and we’ve been told to buy organic the toxins and preservatives in processed foods, so we buy fresher less processed foods the […]

Have a Positive Mindset

 There is a great saying out there that goes something like this: “Whatever your mind can conceive and BELIEVE, it can achieve!” – Napoleon Hill Having a positive mindset is critical for your success in LIFE, and certainly your business. It is ultimately what will make or break you in your business. You must see yourself […]

How to Play a Bigger Game In Network Marketing

As I look at all the professional network marketers I have met during my years in the industry, I see three very remarkable traits about those who play a big game and those who just make due making a little bit of extra money. Keep reading if you want to learn to play BIG. First, […]