What do cats, toddlers and drunk people have in common?

Have you ever set out to make a cat, a toddler or a drunk person do what you want them to do? This is the picture that comes to my head when someone in network marketing goes out to “recruit” people into their business. Ummmm, is recruiting the best word and job for this task… […]

Why Does Building a Network Marketing Business Seem So Hard?

 Does it seem to be difficult and so you are thinking of giving up on your dreams of a fantastic lifestyle and freedom from financial stress? Relax! It’s only as difficult as you make it in your own mind, and the steps to engage someone and sign them up in our business is really very […]

Phone Skills and Etiquette

Do you ever worry that you are stumbling over your words when you talk to someone on the phone about your business? Do you ever listen to leaders on the business calls or the training calls and wonder how they are so smooth, polished and always seem to know exactly what to say? This is […]

Can you “retire” with your business in 2-5 years? How do you do it?

It sounds great right? Start a business from home, and retire in 2-5 years living the lifestyle of the rich and famous. Is it possible? Can you do it? Are you interested? Did you know it is possible? Let’s explore how… It takes a serious business plan; a serious commitment and a serious course of […]