Do you ever worry that you are stumbling over your
words when you talk to someone on the phone about
your business?

Do you ever listen to leaders on the business calls
or the training calls and wonder how they are so smooth,
polished and always seem to know exactly what to say?

This is a skill that can be DEVELOPED – isn’t that great news?

And, in our business, the telephone is your most important

Here are some tips to assist you in developing your phone
skills and learning to relax and have fun during the process!

Yes, it CAN be fun!

1. Have a separate phone line for your business and have a
professional greeting on the answering machine.

2. Put a smile on your face, and in your voice when you
talk with people. Happiness and enthusiasm shines through!

3. Paint word pictures when you speak.

4. Ask for clarity if you are unsure what the person means
by a question or statement they make.

5. Return calls promptly.

6. Listen and ask questions. Relax, you are NOT trying to sell
ANYONE ANYTHING. Your goal is to share information and
allow your prospect to sell him/herself! That creates a win-win.

7. Be clear on your why and your purpose. Be solid in your
belief and conviction.

8. Detach from the outcome. Don’t worry about what the other
person says. There are TONS of people out there waiting for
your call!

9. Have a 3 step process to lead your prospect through in
looking at the business, or evaluating a retail sale or

10. Follow up and let people know you are interested in
having them join you as a customer or team member!

Develop some bullet points for a “script” that you will
use. Don’t be too “scripty” or canned, but this can help
you get started!

Have an outstanding day,
