encourage and empower

You and your new Network Marketing / MLM Distributor or Brand Partner or Independent Entrepreneur are celebrating the day they said yes to joining your business. And then, what is next?

You are excited because you got to know him/her and they seemed ready to take off with great enthusiasm for their new Network Marketing business. You are in hope that it will work and they will be successful. You have the steps to follow for training that your company has laid out.

Here are 8 tips to help make those steps even more effective.

8 TIPS TO FAST TRACK TO SUCCESS in Network Marketing

1) Schedule your Getting Started/ Training conversation for the day after they say, “Yes!”
I like to be sure to have a firm date and time set and get their confirmation of this. Let them know that meeting in person would be great but it can also be done over the phone or Skype if that makes it convenient. I find using the phone, the method of choice, if both of us do not live in the same geographical location. This also helps them to see how this step and all the others are duplicatible with all of their future team members.
Work with them to get their personal website set up, to order (if necessary) marketing brochures and sell sheets, magazines and prospecting CDs to pass out. Train them on how to set up their own auto ship order.

2) Spend some time with your team member getting to know their strengths, obstacles and why. Build rapport with your team member — remember people want to work with people they know, like, and trust. I let them know they are not just a business number to me, and I am genuinely interested in their success and we will celebrate each small step together.

3) Strategize with your new team member on creating goals that will lead to fulfilling their why. An example would be their money goal. Find out what their monthly earning goal is for the next 90 days.

Work with them on creating a realistic goal to achieve and build up to such as: $500 to $2000 /month.

4) Make a timeline and work schedule with your new team member. Based on their monthly earning goal, guide them to understanding the activity level they will need to implement in order to reach their goal. This is important as they may not have an understanding or prior experience of the actions that will help them be successful.

5) Teach them the Success Formula for your company. These are the actions you want to do and every team member to do, everyday, consistently over time. In my company I was taught to do the following daily actions:
1 Speak to at least 1 new prospect to schedule a meeting.
2 Make follow up calls.
3 Do a business presentation.
4 Add at least 1 new prospect to my contact manager every day.
5 Get someone signed up.
6 Personal Development.

Help them create the plan that works for them. It may take time to get into a rhythm that meets their needs and time. The rewards of analyzing their results and being consistent will give them the success they are looking for. Encourage them and let them know that it may take some time to see the results.

6) Help them stay connected to you and the team. Let them know about any team calls, opportunity calls, special local or regional events, and social media such as a Facebook page. Tell them attending these meetings are a must for their personal growth and support of their business and team. Set up an accountability agreement to help them stay focused and keep up the momentum. Encourage your new business builder to stay engaged by also calling you for support. And, schedule in your calendar to call him/her once a week to celebrate and check in.

7) “Explain: Plan–Do–Review–Adjust–Repeat. Plan the month in advance: activity, conference calls, and events. Do what you planned to get the results you want. Review your results at the end of the month. If necessary, Adjust what you’re doing—your activity—until you get the results you want. Repeat by planning the next month, complete with any needed adjustments, and continue moving forward.” (Michael S Clouse)

8) Walk Your Talk. Be an example, offer encouragement. It is important that in Network Marketing you do what is duplicatible by each of your team members and their team members. When you make that appointment for the day after they join your company you are creating a duplicatible step they can follow.

You just signed up a new business building team member. Celebrate. They know what to do next!!

Much Success in Network Marketing!

Have an outstanding day!!!
