
This week, I would like to introduce you to our Guest Blogger, Cheri Ruskus. She is the owner of Business Victory Circles.

You can read more about how Cheri has helped small businesses succeed for over 25 years here.


Instant Action

No greater element exists to build self-confidence than by taking action. Think about how your confidence gets a natural boost when you have completed the important things within your business and life that mean the most to you.

It is amazing how empowered you can feel when those things that have been piling up actually get checked off the to do list and put to the done list. This is most especially valuable for the really important actions that could make all the difference in your life and the lives of others.

Procrastination is of course the opposite of action. While this part of our inner self is important to allow us to properly percolate our thoughts before taking action, procrastination can become the number one stopper of action.

This is especially true if we allow procrastination to settle into our psyche, bringing with it fear, a lack of setting priorities, and continuously allowing ourselves to put off what we know must be done.

Sure, there is the whole essence of life getting too busy with things that somehow got on our plate that we would prefer weren’t there. This can let the actions that are nearest and dearest to our heart slip away. This comes in all shapes and sizes and is as different as each of us.

The key is paying attention to what you might be routinely putting off until tomorrow – and then ask yourself, what happens when tomorrow arrives?

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “The ancestor of every action is a thought.”  Let us consider that we think on average of 12,000 thoughts for an average thinker, and a debated 50,000 thoughts for a more robust thinker, per day. Of course we cannot take action on them all and sadly the beast of overwhelm can keep us from acting on any of them.

Set the barometer to where you stand right now in acting on the things that matter most.

How often do you write down the thoughts that filter through your brain with the anticipation you will actually act on them?

What is a burning desire in your life that simply requires that you take the appropriate action – an action that could make it an instant reality in your life?

What are the confidence suckers in your life that keep you from moving forward? This can include everything from learning a new skill set, to creating something new and awesome, to making a connection with someone that could change the course of your career.

What, and here is the big question, what if you moved right past any procrastination tendencies that may have been building up around any one item to implement? What if you took action on it today?

Lacking the energy to bring your thoughts to life? This week Relationship Coach, Sheila Unique joins me on the radio show to share Express Yourself Confidently, including taking those action steps that we want and need to take. Get the link for the show below in the Empower Section.

As you head off into this last week of February, think about what you wanted to accomplish back in January. Where have you gone with it? Are you ready to get out there to make your world a better place! Just imagine the difference a week of focused, deliberate, and powerful action could instantly make in your life!

Wishing you the action, to gain the strength, to take you where you want to go in the week ahead!

Here is to Your Successes and Victories!

Cheri Ruskus Guest Blog
Share on the action you are going to take this week!
