Let’s talk about your “must haves” and “your wants”. They are very different.

As you look at your life and your goals, what are the things that are unquestionable? Meaning they HAVE TO be in your life, you HAVE TO get them done and they are NOT negotiable.
On the other hand consider your wants. The things you’d like to have but you’ll probably be OK in life without them right now but life would be BETTER with them. What is the difference between these two things?
I’d love to know your answers to that question but I do have a few ideas that I’d like to share.

  1. Choice. It is really a matter of deciding what is imperative and what is not. Only you can decide between the two things.
  2. Conviction. Another work for this could be drive or passion. How strongly do you feel about that must have vs. the wants in your life?
  3. Action. We all know the things you put your focus and action towards are the things you will end up getting. So on that note, are you putting your action, passion and choices towards the most important things in life? If not, that might explain why you are not getting what you want or you feel frustrated.
  4. Commit. Those who are accountable to their commitments tend to get results more than those who do not.

It is not too late to make some of your 2016 musts real and your wants show up. It is a decision away from taking the action you need to, to make it show up. I believe in you. Don’t stop if you still have things to do this year. It would be easy to stop and procrastinate, but it is just as easy to go for it. You choose.
Much Success! Have an outstanding day!!