Time for change

Have you found that there is something in life that you want very much to change?

Leaving your corporate 9 to 5 (or more) job? Yes most of us go through this time of desire or transition. It can be as big as running a marathon to having your own business. Both, I would say big endeavors.


What is something, large or small that you really want to have, do or be, or experience that seems to elude you? Just one situation. Good!

Now, every time you put focus on that by thinking about it, questioning it, what are the thoughts you can put into words that you repeat? And how often have you said this to yourself with intensity?

Thoughts or statements like:

These thoughts that you say over and over again to yourself can get very intense as a self conversation. And, the more you hear them the more intense they may just be getting. And, if you look at these statements or thoughts, behind each one is a belief that gets stronger and stronger no matter how true or not it is.

The issue, if it is not true, is you start believing it is a truth. When you have a strong belief you then act  on it. The statements above would lead you not to have your own business or not to be successful or  not to take the steps and actions to achieve but leave you staying right where you are, in a place in your life that is not what or where you want to be.

What this creates in you is a belief that emotionally stops you. Keeps you from achieving your goals, from being who you want to be, from changing your life and others you touch. The emotional state triggered by these beliefs is what really a waste of your time is.  This emotional state is where your focus is and stays unless jolted out of place.

When you develop beliefs that are about who you are, who you want to be, what your values are, how you live your life in integrity you move toward a fulfilling life filled with beliefs that encourage you and support you. Your beliefs motivate you and drive you to action. You create certainty in your life that gives you courage to achieve, be, experience and have what you want in your life.  To describe this is being in a resourceful emotional state causing your focus to be on your next actions and fulfillment.

Eight years ago I wanted to create another stream of income. Boy, you should have heard my self-talk on that topic. I did allot of pondering, asked myself over and over again questions that only led me to a belief I would fail. Then, I found a product that I loved. I had a belief about the product that created a different message and focus. It took practice, being vigilant about the messages I was feeding my mind.

As time passed, my questions and statements got even more solid and encouraging. It helped that my network marketing company encouraged saying affirmations.  I say positive, wholesome, healthy brain food statements to myself 10 times at a time, 3 times a day. It has made a tremendous difference.

What beliefs are you creating through your statements and questions? What level of certainty do you live at in your life?

Have a successful day!
