
Our last post touched on commitment stirring emotions like a four letter word… ew, we don’t like it and we don’t want to touch it.

We already know that commitment takes work, effort and dedication to a responsibility. That can all be well and good, even easy depending on the situation. Committing to losing weight because you just suffered a heart attack… is a little more serious than committing to tasks to grow your business. Especially if you are not working your business regularly, unsure of how to grow and comfortable where you are. Comfortable – that should be a red flag emotion when it comes to business, don’t allow yourself to get comfortable – commit to being uncomfortable or you will likely never see the growth in your organization that you are yearning.

So yes you think I am crazy, I just told you to get and stay uncomfortable in your business- and that it will be good for you. lol 🙂 Don’t worry, we will find a way to make it fun and easier than it sounds here.

Think of the one thing that is currently holding you back from the growth you desire in your business….. ok, got it? How does it make you feel? Uncomfortable? Nauseous even? GOOD! Hold it in your mind, write it down, tweet it if you want… but we are going to work with and focus on it for a little while.

Fill in these blanks- see if they are true for your “thing”

If I never do ___________ my business will suffer. True or False?

If I stop doing ________________ my business will never grow?  True or False?

If I embrace that I don’t like _____________ but do it anyway my business will benefit? True or False?

If I embrace ________ and do/get __________, in my business ______ will get easier. True of False?

If I conquer my aversion with _________ I will feel more powerful as a person and as a business owner? True or False?

Now how do you feel about your “thing”?? Better, I hope. Better, stronger, more ready to do something positive about it.

Remember every business owner has a “thing” that slows them down, drags behind them and sometimes even stops them in their tracks.

It is ok to have “thing”. But it is not ok to let it destroy your business.

Make a new commitment to yourself and to your business, to get a little uncomfortable and make a commitment to taking positive steps involving your “thing”.

Let’s talk! Tell me about your “thing”…

Have an outstanding day!

Much success,
