When I joined my first network marketing company, my sponsor was almost as new as I was in the business.  He was an amazing support.  Mark Herdering spent a lot of time showing me the ropes and brainstorming what would create our successes. It was Jordan Adler, Mark’s sponsor who provided us with the wisdom and mentoring that has guided me, to this day, to understand how to build a successful network marketing team and to focus and believe in playing a bigger game.

Jordan’s book Beach Money, sits next to my desk as a constant reminder of the guidance and mentoring he has provided and a resource for new questions that arise.

What attracted me to identifying Jordan as a powerful mentor were the qualities I wanted to
be part of who I am. Jordan is consistent, determined, energetic, caring, honest, an intelligent business person, sees the bigger picture, generous, supportive and a friend.

What I enjoy most is that Jordan is accessible. He is available to answer my questions, provide direction and the important piece for me, and provide the wisdom to make good choices.

Three of the most valuable insights I have learned from Jordan are:

1 Managing your team – DON’T.
“It is not your job to manage your people. If you need to manage all of your people …your group will only grow as far as you can reach….You will limit your growth to only the people you can personally work with.  Your job is simply to get your new distributors started …..to train your new people to answer the questions of their new people.”  This is an important
part of the network marketing success formula. Train your direct enrollments how to train the people they sponsor to train the people they sponsor. That should take you down about 4 levels.
And that starts serious progress on your journey to momentum.

2 Don’t stop.
Be consistent in your efforts to market and grow your business. Being consistent
is the only way to build momentum. Momentum in your network marketing team is the
the bigger picture. Can you imagine 10,000 Distributors on your team?  The only way to get there is to DON’T STOP. Be consistent.

3 Create memorable experiences for yourself and others.
“Relationships are the glue that holds a team together. Teams that play together stay together. ….When people are having fun, they want to stick around. Everyone wants to be part of a team that is having  fun!”   People want to do business with people they like and trust.  When your team gets to know each other and feels connected they create their own bigger team with the same feelings of trust.  When you trust your sponsor and team mates you have a bigger reason
to stay committed to your company. And, this goes for those on your team.

Who are your mentors? What are the characteristics you want to embody? What are the gems of wisdom you have learned?

Thanks for reading.

Much success!
