Have a Positive Mindset

 There is a great saying out there that goes something like this: “Whatever your mind can conceive and BELIEVE, it can achieve!” – Napoleon Hill Having a positive mindset is critical for your success in LIFE, and certainly your business. It is ultimately what will make or break you in your business. You must see yourself […]

Ask Powerful Questions and LISTEN to the answers.

Whether you are working with a potential customer for your products; speaking with a prospect about the business potential; or working with a team member, asking POWERFUL questions is a habit you’ll want to engage in regularly. The more you know about people, the more effective you will be in finding a need and filling […]

Mentor’s Must For Success!

When you look back on your history of success, a pivotal moment, can you tell where it started? Yes, I can as-well. I had an Accountability Partner, Bill Baker, who was working to build his Network Marketing Business too. What I discovered working with him was Jim Rohn.  Jim Rohn taught him that if you […]

Insider Secrets of Network Marketing and My Mentor

When I joined my first network marketing company, my sponsor was almost as new as I was in the business.  He was an amazing support.  Mark Herdering spent a lot of time showing me the ropes and brainstorming what would create our successes. It was Jordan Adler, Mark’s sponsor who provided us with the wisdom […]

7 Qualities of Successful Home Business Owners

Are you wondering what it takes to really be successful in your own business? Let me share some simple qualities for achieving what you want. One thing that all successful home business owners share is that they are “Action Takers” Action takers do the following things. 1. They invest in their education and learning. They […]