
In our last post we talked about making some uncomfortable commitments and how that working on our “thing” (the biggest thing that is holding us back in our business) can provide business benefits. If you haven’t read it, check it out here! Because today we are talking about how to make the tasks involving our “thing” a little easier.

I am sure you have heard that it takes many days…. some say 21 days to create a new habit. So I challenge you to change how you feel and what you are thinking about your “thing” over the next 21 days. How?

In the last post I promised you having a little fun when uncomfortable in your business. If getting over our “things” that hold us back isn’t enough fun, maybe this will also increase the energy when committing to these not so pleasant for us tasks. Remember everyone is different and everyone struggles with different parts of business and life for that matter. So each time we say, “thing” I want you to think about your personal thing that is holding you back in your business not how someone else should be handling something. 🙂 Also if you want to go back and read the fill in the blank questions again, it might help you remember why this “thing” is worth working with after all.

First, Let’s make a tracker. With this blank grids sheet.

It can be helpful to know what your learning style is – this can help to know what kind action to tie in with your tracker.

If you are visual – maybe a picture next to the tracker that you see each time you check off your “thing” each day.

If you are auditory – how about listening to a related business training or audio book, after you check of your “thing” for the day.

If you are hands on – maybe go check out a new toy that the “thing” goal will help you get closer to because you are working your business.

If you are reading & writing – start a journal or blog about how it feels each day to check off your “thing”.

Whatever will help you get excited and stay on track. Whatever it takes to track your journey- it will be worth it!

Then, lets start tracking… day by day only cross it off if you did what you committed to do.

Announce your goals to someone you’d like to trade places with (pertaining to your particular “thing” goal) – this can be a great way to help keep yourself motivated while others keep you on target. Report back here too! I’d love to hear about your journey with this 21 day challenge!

Don’t forget to give yourself the gift of a do over… don’t expect to be perfect, don’t take this on and stress so much it makes your life difficult. Allow life to happen and jump back on your tracking as soon as you can, so you don’t fall off the path that you have already lined out. This is a journey that you want isn’t it? If you fall, get back up and keep going! Don’t just crawl home. 🙂

Have a successful day!

Much success,
